Friday, April 20, 2012

Social and Silly at 14 months

At first it was weird to adjust to the fact that Aiden is his own little person now. He has his own agenda and he knows how to put it in action! The things he can now do on his own, as simple as they are, blow our minds. We constantly say, "Look! Look, what he is doing, its like he's a little person, he is putting shoes on himself!" It happened so fast. He went from being completely unaware of his surroundings to taking charge of them. Its so exciting! I get such a thrill watching him discover new things and seeing him laugh and giggle. Even though he makes huge messes, can get a little loud, makes a quick trip to the store take over an hour, sometimes falls down, tastes something icky, or gets completely dirty...I let him go for it. I let him be him. And it is so much more fun that way-for the both of us. "oooh!" I love it when he says that when he figures something out. "mmmm-num num," when he eats something he likes. "Aaah-ha-ha!" when he wants to get someones attention. When we go out in the stroller, he will point and reach for practically every flower or leaf and will say, "mama! mama!" until I pick it and hand it to him. By the end of his walk, the front of his stroller is filled with flowers and leaves (and so are his hands!). 

He is becoming such a love bug. He gives me the best hugs when he is sleepy--just squeezes my neck and pulls my head into his body and smiles. He has started to give other kids hugs to when he is trying to make friends. He is such a little giant though! I swear he has grown taller and heavier this month. 

He understands far more than he can say at this point and he follows instructions pretty well. "Want to take a bath?" He will run to the bathroom and start pulling at his clothes. One morning, I grabbed a cracker for the dogs out of a drawer and then I threw it out the sliding door so they could have a treat, well, Aiden remembered that. For the last 3 days, he has woken up, ran to the kitchen, "Dog! woof! Dog" and he will open the drawer and wait for me to give him a cracker. Then, he runs to the sliding door, I open it, and he throws the crackers to the dogs.

He even recognizes our house. If I try to pass our house after walking around the neighborhood, he will point and yell, until I turn into our driveway. In the mornings, before I go to work, he hands his Abuelita the remote so he can watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He is active, he is social and silly and I love him more and more each day.

Easter- April 8th 

 April 20th:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We Made the Most of March

Bigger, smarter, and sillier! In just one month, Aiden picked up some new words, "fish, woof, and No!" He also says night-nite and runs to the bedroom. He is communicating with us on a whole other level. He plays peek-a-boo when we say, "where's Aiden?" by hiding his eyes behind his fingers, or a curtain, or a toy. Even if he can't say the words to us, he understands what we are saying to him. When we open the animal page of his book and point to the horse and say "caballo," he jumps up and grabs his rocking horse.

He fights sleep like no other, he wants to be up and out and about. The cutest thing that he does when he starts to get sleepy is he will lay his head down and when we say, "awww!" he will laugh, lift his head and then slam it down again. He is such a goofball. I love it when he wakes up, half asleep, smiles with his eyes shut and flings his arm around my neck and pulls me in close to him. Sometimes he giggles in his sleep too. 

I took Aiden to an indoor gym early in the month to play with some kids. He had so much fun running around under the parachute and pushing kids in the little cars. We also made sure to take advantage of the beautiful weather and made our way to the beach. Aiden even helps out with the cleaning now, you can see him vacuuming in his spiderman shirt! 

A day at the beach!

When Aiden isn't outside, we are goofing off inside. He is constantly making up games and will do things that make me laugh over and over again. His dancing skills have gone to a new level, he loves to get down and stomp all around. (he also gives me lots of hugs and kisses!)

Rain! Aiden was stomping around in all the puddles and ran up and down the drain gutter! He loves to grab our hands and drag us around (usually to take him on a walk, or to find his toys). He is confident and social and becoming quite the ladies man. Anytime he sees a little girl, he grabs her hand and begins to lead her around. Adorable.

First time in the snow! We got a cabin in South Shore Tahoe. 

Aiden is too much fun, he fills our life with love and laughter.
