Saturday, March 26, 2011

3 weeks and 1 month pics

March 3-9: Pictures from week 3 with Aiden
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March 10-16 Week 4: Aiden is 11.1 pounds and extremely alert and constantly smiling. 
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1 month birthday he was all smiles!
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Memories from Week 2

Feb 24-Mar 2: Things started to slow down at our house during week 2. We limited visitors so that we could rest and start getting used to being a family. Martin took the week off to bond with Aiden and of course, to help out! By day 9, he started feeding only three times in the night so we finally got to sleep several hours at a time...which was amazing. We spent a LOT of time catching up on sleep. Aiden can stand straight up and army crawl up and across my body after he is done nursing and he is smiling a lot. He is amazingly strong and is gaining weight rapidly. We took him to the Dr.'s two days before his well check because we were concerned about his belly button, but they said it was fine and they weighed him in at 9.4lbs. He had his 2 week well check on 3/2/11 and weighed in at 9lbs 7oz and he was 21 3/4 in long. His umbilical cord partially fell off right before his appointment, so we were relieved. Aiden is doing great!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our First Week with Aiden

Feb 16-23: Aiden was born at 6:54pm on Wednesday, February 16, 2011. To see all of his stats, go to the "About Me" page. His first week was really hectic. Between non-stop visitors we did our best to battle sleep deprivation while getting used to having Aiden home and learning to care for him. He is a happy baby, but being first time parents we have Kaiser on speed dial and we called the advice nurse over and over as we debated whether or not what we were experiencing was "normal." So far, so good. We love him so much and are learning more and more about him as each day goes by. We are loving every second.

First Hour 
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Day 1: Aiden could already lift and hold his head up at only 12 hours old! After breastfeeding, he pushed up off my chest and stared at me for a few minutes. My heart melted. 
Day 2: It took Martin and I over a half an hour to figure out how to fix the car seat that I assembled incorrectly! Once we got it together, we got to take our baby boy home. 
Day 3: First "well check" Dr. Appt. Aiden weighed in at 7.2 and was given a clean bill of health! The Dr.and nurses keep telling us what a handsome 3 day old baby he is, and obviously we agree :)
Day 4: He loves to snuggle on my chest to sleep and he will lift his head to look at me. When I kiss his forehead, he sets his head back down. He will do this over and over to get some kisses from his mama.
Day 5: We call him our little ranita (little frog) because of the way he lays on my chest with his beefy little legs curled up. I read him his first book and he stared at all of the pages.
Day 6: Another outing to Kaiser but this time it was to turn in state disability paperwork and to attend a breastfeeding consult. He is eating great and is already almost back at his birth weight, weighing in at 8.2lbs. Martin and I are so tired we have been up all day for the last 6 days with appts and visitors, but we are hanging in there!

Day 7: We are finally feeling a little more rested. Even Aiden got a lot of sleep!